[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Learning doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Yet, traditional learning methods feel like a marathon that never seems to end. Your employees may not have the time or energy to commit to a long, drawn-out course. 

Bite-sized learning (or microlearning) is thus the perfect way to break up big chunks of information into smaller, more manageable pieces that can easily be digested.

Through microlearning, employees can learn more in less time and focus on mastering the material rather than just getting through it.

Keep reading to learn more about this revolutionary approach to learning!

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More on Bite-Sized Learning

Given a choice, would you prefer micro modules of information or large, text-heavy PDFs to gain new skills and knowledge? The choice is clear.

Bite-sized content pieces allow learners to absorb information before they lose interest or attention. Moreover, they are able to retain and apply their newfound knowledge to practical areas of their life.

This is why bite-sized learning is also known as real-time learning. Not surprisingly, it is 17% more impactful than traditional learning. Moreover, research indicates that microlearning has a retention rate of 70-90%.

It can be delivered in various formats, including videos, interactive quizzes, infographics, games, etc.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpnAWFJah-g” align=”center”][vc_column_text]

Top 4 Benefits of Bite-Sized Learning

Listed below are the key advantages of delivering short bursts of learning content.

1. Offers Just-in-Time Support

Microlearning is the perfect solution for busy professionals looking for just-in-time support. It allows them to learn a specific skill or concept in a short amount of time so that they can quickly apply what they’ve learned in the workplace. 

Microlearning is especially suited to the millennial workforce, who are used to learning in small chunks, on the go, and via technology. It is also an effective way to reinforce learning that has taken place in a longer training session.

2. Improves Engagement

Bite-sized learning is the perfect medicine for burnout, boredom, and exhaustion students often experience with traditional classroom learning.

Since micro modules can be embedded with interactive elements like games, quizzes, simulations, and more, they keep learners hooked till the end. 

Additionally, microlearning can be tailored to the individual needs and interests of each employee, which helps to keep them engaged.

3. Amplifies Productivity

Unlike traditional learning, bite-sized content doesn’t force students to sit through mountains of irrelevant information just to get to the key concepts.

Instead, they can access the most vital tidbits and use the remaining time to perform other job-related duties.

Therefore, microlearning helps them be more efficient and productive while allowing them opportunities to upskill in a relatively shorter time duration.

4. Saves Money 

The cost of traditional training and education can be prohibitively expensive. Microlearning is the perfect option for any business wanting to maximize its training budget.

According to research, bite-sized learning incurs 50% less cost and 300% less time compared to traditional courses. It also yields better results.

Now that you are familiar with the benefits of bite-sized content, let’s move on to its key use cases.

Microlearning: Top 6 Use Cases 

Bite-sized learning is quickly becoming the go-to learning method for busy professionals, and it’s easy to understand why!

In this section, we’ll explore some of the top use cases of microlearning:

1. Product Training

Microlearning can be used to train customers on how to use a product. For instance, an online course that is broken down into small chunks can be used to teach customers how to use a new software product or a new gadget.

Bite-sized content can also be used to educate customers about a company’s services. This can take the form of short videos, quizzes, or interactive activities that help customers become more familiar with a company’s offerings.

2. Mobile Learning

With the increase in the use of smartphones, bite-sized learning can be used to deliver learning content on the go.

Mobile learning apps can be used to offer bite-sized lessons, quizzes, or assessments that can be accessed from anywhere and at any time.

3. Onboarding New Employees

Microlearning can be used during the onboarding process to introduce new employees to the company culture, policies, and procedures.

This helps to get them up to speed and improve their productivity quickly.

4. Personal Development

Microlearning aids personal development, where learners can focus on a specific skill or topic in short bursts.

For instance, they can take short online courses or access microlearning resources to improve their time management, communication skills, or leadership skills.

With microlearning, learners can take short courses on their own schedule rather than attending large group sessions or seminars. This type of learning allows them to acquire skills and knowledge at their own pace and level of understanding. 

5. Continuous Professional Development

Professionals can use microlearning to enhance their skills and knowledge in their respective fields. They can take short courses on emerging technologies, trends, and practices, which will help them stay competitive in the job market.

Moreover, employees can leverage micro e-learning modules to gain certifications or qualifications, which may be necessary for furthering their careers.

Professionals can also quickly refresh their skills and stay up to date with the latest developments in their field with this type of learning.

6. Compliance Training 

In today’s increasingly complex regulatory environment, delivering effective compliance training can be a challenge. Fortunately, microlearning can provide a powerful solution that allows organizations to educate employees and remain compliant effortlessly.

Since microlearning content is broken down into smaller pieces, it can be delivered more frequently so learners can stay up-to-date with the latest regulations.

Staying compliant also necessitates the retention of knowledge, which is the USP (unique selling proposition) of bite-sized learning.


Bite-sized learning is becoming increasingly popular in the workplace as it can be utilized in a variety of use cases.

For example, it can be used to provide employees with a quick refresher on topics they may have forgotten, as well as to introduce new topics that are too complex for a single training session. 

Carefully evaluate your goals and learning objectives before you embark on a mission to incorporate microlearning in your organization.

Are you an educator or trainer looking for an innovative way to engage your students? Check out Hurix, a top platform to host online courses, including bite-sized learning modules. Our design experts will work with you to tailor our solutions to your context in a hassle-free manner.

Reach out to us to learn more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]