The Secret SAUCE for Creating Great Content
In search of content that works
Tara, like any first-time mom, was super excited and equally anxious. She wanted to know everything–all the dos and don’ts during pregnancy and after, how to take care of her baby, and how to make the most of this experience.
There was no dearth of information from relatives and friends and most of it unsolicited. But she wanted more. So she adopted the most common route and opened Google.in. Scrolling through the results, a particular title “10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know” caught her eye and led to the website ‘babynews.com’.
Noting that the content was created by doctors and parenting experts, she read through a few of the blogs. Giving it a mental 5 star rating, she subscribed for more content.
Entering her email id and the expected date of delivery, Tara found her new best friend! A well of information, great content delivered weekly to her inbox! Blogs, videos, parent forums and communities, it all spoke directly to Tara, made her feel a part of the family.
In all the emails she had always noticed a little line at the end- “Click Here for Recommended Products”. One day, happy with all the content she clicked on it. It took her to the brand’s product listing page on Amazon. She found the perfect baby carrier she was looking for! Soon, she was immersed in the site and products and babynews.com became not only her knowledge guru but also her personal shopping assistant.
Moral of the story?
Toot your own horn, everybody does. How you do it makes all the difference. Create content for your audience, create great content and your products will basically sell themselves. Don’t push, pull.
But, what’s the recipe of creating content that works?
What’s the secret SAUCE that goes into great content creation? Read on to find the secret of Hurix Digital’s Content Marketing Strategy.
Create content that solves a real problem for your audience and adds value. At the end of the blog or video, they should think, “Wow, that was really good, very helpful” and not “Why did I waste my time?”. The content objective should be problem solving, not product selling. Selling is a by-product of great content delivered regularly.
Your voice can easily get lost in the digital world if it doesn’t reach the right audience.
First, identify your target audience. Find out their needs and understand what works for them. Provide them with content that fulfills their need or desire.
Don’t target a millennial for blood sugar measuring devices or grandmothers for sophisticated dating apps. Get on the wavelength as your audience.
How many times have you closed a link in the first few seconds because you had already read that piece in different words on some other website? You need to put a unique spin to spark interest in your audience. It can be the same topic as written on multiple other websites but you infuse and enhance it with your special flavor.
E.g. If you are marketing for a management consulting firm, you could create content like “7 Scientifically Proven Methods To Develop a Culture of Innovation in Your Company”.
The crux of the content is developing a culture of innovation, a topic that has already been written in the past. Your unique spin is how to do it with proven methods. This sets you apart from the competition.
Building a relationship with your audience is the key to long term marketing and brand building. And like any relationship, reliability is key. You build this bond by delivering content on a consistent basis. Develop a content calendar and follow it religiously.
For content marketing to be successful, audience engagement is the keyword. It’s the final word in content marketing. It needs to fill some intellectual or emotional need or be a value add for them. Everybody likes a good story, create a story, invoke a response from the reader. This is the crux of the content marketing strategy at Hurix Digital.
Content Optimization
In Tara’s story, what did the company do right? How did they create content that works and ensure that their content was as powerful as their products and their brand?
Tara got the perfect content she needed at the perfect time. The company segmented the audience and delivered personalized, regular content to improve engagement and build a relationship. They earned Tara’s trust. The cornerstone of sales.
In our content creation strategy, we keep in mind the niche audience to create engaging content. We take a holistic approach optimizing content creation, content distribution, on and off-site SEO to ensure high reach and traffic.
We help brands develop an innovative content marketing strategy market products and services with a strong pull factor.