
In this blog, we delve into the critical role of visuals in eLearning, examining the various types of visuals available. We also discuss strategies for selecting the most appropriate visuals for training programs, considering objectives, audience, content, and budget constraints.

Have you ever wondered about theĀ importance of visuals in eLearning? Why do we prefer to watch a video rather than read a long text? Why do we remember images better than words? The answer lies in how our brain processes information.

According to research, the human brain can process images 60,000 times faster than text. Visuals also help us retain information longer and recall it better.Ā StudiesĀ show that people remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of what they see.

Visuals can be an extremely useful tool in training programs. However, you need to choose the right type of visual for your learning objectives and audience. In this blog, we will explore some of the most common types ofĀ visuals in eLearningĀ and how you can use them to enhance your training programs.

Table of Contents:

The Importance of Visuals in eLearning and Training Programs

Visuals are essential for creating effective online learning solutions. They can help you:

  • Grab the learnersā€™ attention and keep them engaged:Ā Employ visuals toĀ capture their interestĀ and curiosity with relevant and appealing content. Visual aids assist in maintaining focus, highlighting key points, and guiding their attention through the material to minimize distractions.
  • Simplify complex ideas for better understanding:Ā Use visuals to break down difficult concepts into more digestible portions. They can clarify abstract notions by offering tangible examples, analogies, or metaphors. Visual representations facilitate comparison and illustrate relationships, patterns, processes, and procedures.
  • Boost motivation and interest:Ā Enhance learnersā€™ emotional engagement by creating a positive and interactive atmosphere using visuals. They provoke curiosity, challenge critical thinking, and personalize learning by relating to their prior knowledge, experiences, or objectives.
  • Enhance retention and recall:Ā Reinforce memory and comprehension by presenting content through various visual modes. Organize information effectively with visual cues like colors, shapes, symbols, and icons to aid in recall. Summarize and review content using outlines, diagrams, or charts.
  • Increase satisfaction and enjoyment:Ā Provide diverse visual materials to maintain learner interest and satisfaction. Show progress and achievements to foster a sense of accomplishment and feedback. Incorporate humor, stories, or games to make learning enjoyable and creative.

Also Read:Ā How to Engage Your Workforce into Learning?

Six Types of Visuals in eLearning

Visuals can be classified into different categories based on their purpose, format, and style. Here are some of the most popular types of visuals in eLearning and how you can use them to improve your online learning solutions.

1. Images

Images are the simplest and most widely used type ofĀ visual in eLearning. They can help you illustrate concepts, provide examples, show real-life scenarios, evoke emotions, and create a visual appeal. Images can be photographs, illustrations, drawings, or screenshots.

Some tips for using images in training programs are:

  • Use high-quality and relevant images that match your content and context
  • Avoid using too many images that can distract or overwhelm the learners
  • Use captions, labels, or annotations to explain or highlight important aspects of the images
  • Optimize the size and resolution of the images to ensure fast loading and clear display

2. Icons

Icons are small symbols that represent an object, action, or idea. They can help you simplify information, organize content, highlight key points, and guide the learnersā€™ attention. Icons can be flat, outlined, or filled.

Some tips for using icons in eLearning are:

  • Use consistent and recognizable icons that convey the intended meaning
  • Avoid using too many icons that can confuse or clutter the learners
  • Use colors, shapes, or sizes to differentiate or group the icons
  • Align the icons with the text or other elements to create a visual hierarchy

3. Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs are visual representations of data, such as numbers, percentages, trends, or comparisons. They can help you summarize information, show relationships, reveal patterns, and support arguments. Charts and graphs can be pie, bar, line, scatter, or other types.

Some tips for using charts and graphs in eLearning are:

  • Use the appropriate type of chart or graph that suits your data and message
  • Avoid using too many charts or graphs that can bore or overload the learners
  • Use labels, legends, or titles to explain or emphasize the data
  • Use colors, fonts, or styles to enhance the readability and attractiveness of the charts or graphs

4. Infographics

Infographics are visual presentations of information, such as facts, statistics, steps, or tips. They can help you condense information, tell a story, provide guidance, or persuade the learners. Infographics can combine images, icons, charts, graphs, text, and other elements.

Some tips for using infographics in eLearning are:

  • Use a clear and logical structure that flows from top to bottom or left to right
  • Avoid using too much information that can dilute or obscure the main message
  • Use headings, subheadings, or numbers to organize and segment the information
  • Use colors, fonts, or styles to create contrast and harmony among the elements

5. Animations

Animations are moving visuals that show change, motion, or transformation. They can help you demonstrate processes, procedures, or scenarios, show cause and effect, or add interactivity and fun. Animations can be GIFs, slideshows, or interactive simulations.

Some tips for using animations in eLearning are:

  • Use animations only when they add value or clarity to the content
  • Avoid using too many or too fast animations that can distract or annoy the learners
  • Use captions, audio, or narration to accompany or explain the animations
  • Optimize the speed and duration of the animations to ensure smooth playback and comprehension

6. Videos

Videos are the mostĀ engaging and immersive type of visual in eLearning. They can help you showcase real-life situations, role models, or experts, provide feedback or coaching, or create scenarios or stories. Videos can be live-action, animated, or screencast.

Some tips for using videos in eLearning are:

  • Use high-quality and relevant videos that match your content and context
  • Avoid using too long or too many videos that can reduce the learnersā€™ attention span or bandwidth
  • Use subtitles, transcripts, or summaries to reinforce or supplement the videos
  • Optimize the size and format of the videos to ensure fast loading and compatibility

How to Choose the Right Visuals for Your Training Programs?

Now that you know the different types of visuals in eLearning, how do you decide which ones to use for your training programs? Here are some factors to consider:

  • Your learning objectives:Ā What do you want the learners to know, do, or feel after completing the training? Choose the visuals that align with your learning outcomes and support your instructional strategy.
  • Your target audience:Ā Who are the learners and what are their characteristics, preferences, and needs? Choose the visuals that suit your learnersā€™ profile, level, and context.
  • Your content type:Ā What is the nature and complexity of the content you want to deliver? Choose the visuals that match your content type, such as factual, conceptual, procedural, or attitudinal.
  • Your budget and resources:Ā How much time, money, and expertise do you have to create the visuals? Choose the visuals that fit your budget and resources, such as stock, custom, or DIY.

Also Read:Ā Adapting Workforce L&D Programs to the Virtual and Hybrid Landscapes


Visuals are important for eLearning and training programs because they can help you capture the learnersā€™ attention, simplify the content, enhance the learning experience, and improve the learning outcomes. However, you need to choose the right type of visual for your training programs, based on your learning objectives, audience, content, and budget.

If you are looking for reliable and experienced eLearning service providers that can help you create engaging online learning solutions with visuals, look no further thanĀ Hurix Digital. Hurix Digital can help you design and develop custom eLearning courses and promote and optimize your digital content and learning solutions with its digital marketing and technology services.

Contact usĀ today and get a free consultation and quote for your project.